A feisty King's Guard horse took its job to protect Buckingham Palace very seriously when a tourist stood too close for comfort.
Video shows the shocking moment the horse clamped down on a woman's ponytail as she posed for a photo at the Horse Guards Parade.
The animal, ridden by a soldier from the Blues and Royals, was mounted next to a sign warning visitors: 'Beware! Horses may kick or bite.'
The clip shows the horse swinging its head towards the woman as she stands with her back to the animal. The animal then bites down on her hair, flailing her around, until she manages to break free and scurry off.
In a similar incident - which appears to involve the same horse - a separate tourist is nipped on the shoulder while her friend takes her photograph.
The woman backs away from the horse and stares at it in shock with her mouth opened wide and a hand on her chest.
While both tourists were shocked by the ambush, the soldier appears unfazed by the horse's unfriendly encounter.
Watch the Video Here: https://uncursed.com/post/kings-guard-horse-bites-a-womans-ponytail/kZS8HRiLwxGcDA5g
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