Fatherhood comes with great responsibility, courage, strength of character, and great faith is needed. From the works of other fathers, their stories, and lessons shared, fatherhood is a calling needing our emotional strength, mental support, and many prayers; We recount the wisdom shared by experienced fathers after God’s heart, and key wisdom you can also find in their books.
“When I exercise my priesthood, I magnify my calling. After sealing and confirming the anointing, I gave baby Elizabeth a blessing of health and strength by the power of The Spirit. I know our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ love little children, specifically Kathryn. Also, I know it is the will of the Father to see blessings come to pass. That is why it is so important to have faith in Jesus. I know that He lives” - Stephen Todd
Book Going Back to Californi-A,
Father’s Day Sale: $3.99
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According to my parents, I was born in a shophouse where I lived. In those days medical facilities were poor and so was transportation. There was no ambulance service, and my parents did not own a car. My mother did not have enough time to rush me to the hospital when she went into labour pain.
So, I was born at home and my delivery was assisted by my mother’s friend who happened to be there at the time. My mother was very grateful for this, and they became best friends ever since. Looking back, I’m convinced that it was God who rescued me. If not for the grace of God, I certainly would not be around to tell you, my story.” - Dr. C.S. Koh in Memoirs of a Doctor
Book: Memoirs of a Doctor
Father’s Day Sale at $3.99
Shop here: https://uncursed.com/books/memoir-of-a-doctordash/A32WLEH86LrTWiGQ
Natural gifts are tools for performing tasks leading to purpose. They are the abilities given to us to fulfill a mission. Natural gifts are fueled by the Holy Spirit. Every gift is from God, and every time God issues a gift, He never withdraws it. The Scripture notes that the gift of God is without repentance. Natural gifts must be nurtured for them to multiply and produce fruits. God has given us gifts to become fruitful.
1. Active Gifts: Active gifts are gifts that have been found, developed, and functioning for a purpose.
2. Passive gifts. Passive gifts are discovered or undiscovered gifts and both have one thing in common: they are not functioning toward a purpose yet. Passive gifts are broken down into two.
1. Passive undiscovered gifts are gifts that have not yet been discovered yet.
2. Passive discoveries are gifts that have been discovered that have not been exploited.
Book: Unprofaned Purpose
Father’s Day Sale at $3.99
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“But when Adam watched the Ruler, the great monarch’s countenance quelled his anxieties. The Ruler’s expression was serious, but not sad. It was the look of a man embarking on a plan that would be costly, but glorious. The Ruler’s straight back and confident stride infused hope into Adam. By the time they reached the assignment room, Adam was a different man”
Book: Escape from Paradise
Father’s Day Sale at $3.99
Shop here: https://uncursed.com/books/escape-from-paradise-a-christian-adventure-allegorydash/zeyCgADyHZJNsJ6N
“A blind spot is something we don’t see about ourselves that others do see. We each have our own particular items in our blind spot basket, but there are some blind spots we all share” - Kevin
Book: Leadership with a Servant’s Heart
Father’s Day Sale at $3.99
Shop here: https://uncursed.com/books/leadership-with-a-servants-heart-leading-in-your-workplacedash/VYjOKa9HpJrIZlNA
The Dunghill is a place where glory is turned to shame. It is a place where people are silenced for good deeds. It is a place where men are not expected to live out of community standards and benchmarks. Those trying to rise up to new heights are shut down in the dark boxes. These are dark places that have silently created a benchmark for only one outcome - failure. Jesus was called out of that dunghill, Abram had to step out of the dunghill, and every man who does the same step into their calling.
Book: Called out of the Dunghill
Father’s Day Sale at $3.99
Shop here: https://uncursed.com/books/called-out-of-the-dunghill-dash/aOb5X6qcpyVt5n2E
Do you think about the big questions in life? Why are we here? Who am I? What is my purpose? Think Daily is a daily environment where you can dig deeper into these and similar questions. The ability to think is a skill that needs to be refined and needs constant improvement. The knowledge that humankind has painfully obtained over the span of survival shares many secrets in our world. Discover those secrets and illuminate your being. This collection of past and prior wisdom helps unlock new perspectives and fuels creativity. This is for avid readers, free thinkers, academics, writers, speakers, truth seekers, those on a self-development or self-improvement journey, and everyone who wants to look above the mundane, average things in life.
Book: Think Daily
Father’s Day Sale at $3.99
Shop here: https://uncursed.com/books/think-daily-a-daily-journal-for-those-who-want-to-thinkdash/gnaGQzI5VXPQT1lg
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