Planning Bible study sessions requires careful preparation to create a meaningful and impactful experience for participants.
Here is a step-by-step guide to help you plan a Bible study event:
1. Ask the Lord for a purpose: Once you discover the purpose of the event, determine the specific book of the Bible you will be studying. Who will be the audience or group? List topics and audiences in your UJournal on the app.
2. Choose the date, time, and location: Choose a date and time that works well for your group. Consider the availability and schedules of potential attendees. If meeting in-person, find a suitable location, such as a church, or home, depending on the expected number of attendees. If meeting virtually, choose a meeting software to use.
3. Choose or develop a study curriculum or a bible reading plan: Select a Bible study curriculum or develop your own study materials. Choose resources that align with the purpose and theme of the event. Ensure that the materials are engaging, relevant, and suitable for the participants' age group and spiritual background. Find resources at; If you are developing a study material, use the UReader Authoring Tool which also doubles as a Bible study curriculum tool to design a curriculum in the form of a book or a study devotional, step-by-step, chapter-by-chapter, and Publish, to make available to your Bible study group. You can offer at a rate to help support your group running expenses or free if you plan to make it free. You can also offer a monthly Bible reading plan or create a yearly bible reading plan using the
4. Create a schedule and agenda: Plan the flow of the event. Determine the duration of each session, including breaks. Allocate time for worship, prayer, teaching, small group discussions, and any additional activities you may have planned. Ensure a balance between learning, reflection, and interaction. Add this in detail to your event agenda in the description box using the UJournal app.
5. Create an event with Event Tool: Using the Uevent platform at - create an event with details and links to your video meeting hosting, or address; Event tools can help register attendees, manage attendees, and share on your social media pages, and via email.
6. Create Bible Study Group: Create bible study groups to enable discussions and build Groups are great ways to share resources, as well; If you have a devotional you do not wish to publish, you can start conversations before the Bible study begins around your topics via Groups
7. Donations: Will you collect donations during your bible study? If you will collect donations, you can use the “Super Thanks" Feature also known as UDonation via the Uncursed app. UDonation tool is available on public posts, in-group posts, and in exclusive membership areas to receive donations; Donations are received in your UWallet, and you can cash out into your bank account.
8. Arrange other logistics: Take care of practical arrangements, such as arranging seating, audiovisual equipment (if needed), study materials, and refreshments (if applicable). Prepare any necessary handouts or study guides for participants. Ensure that the venue is conducive to a comfortable and welcoming atmosphere.
9. Evaluate and gather feedback: After the event, collect feedback from participants in your groups to assess their experience.
10. Follow-up and continued engagement: Maintain connections with participants beyond the event. Offer resources, encourage further study, and provide opportunities for ongoing discipleship and spiritual growth through Uncursed Groups or Membership communities.. Consider organizing regular Bible study groups or follow-up sessions to deepen the knowledge of Christ.
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