
Anti-America Lessons? Stanford University adds 'American' to its list of 'harmful language'


Anti-America Lessons? Stanford University adds 'American' to its list of 'harmful language'

The true spirit of the citizenry and identity is being eroded away. Stanford university, one of the world's most famous institutions and America's pride is campaigning and reprogramming its brightest minds to avoid using the term "American". How does a nation preserve its identity when institutions that hold the key to educating the "brightest" teaches students to cancel the name AMERICA?

"Remove not the ancient landmark, which thy fathers have set". Ebenezer Gabriels shares "Removal of ancient landmarks is how the enemy steals identities away". Stanford University released a guide this week on “harmful” language that it wants to remove from its online properties — noting that the term “American” is a no-go.

Stanford University released a guide this week on “harmful” language that it wants to remove from its online properties — noting that the term “American” is a no-go.

The language guide, which was published Monday, aims to “eliminate many forms of harmful language, including racist, violent, and biased … language in Stanford websites and code.”

Source: New York Posts

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