
Benjamin Netanyahu highlights new security measures to fight terrorism


Benjamin Netanyahu highlights new security measures to fight terrorism

After last week's terrorist attack on Jerusalem, at the entrance of a synagogue on International Holocaust Day.

PM Benjamin Netanyahu tweeted,
"The political and security cabinet made a series of decisions this evening on measures to fight terrorism and exact a price from the terrorists and their supporters."

In a second set of tweets, he said, "Yesterday, the cabinet approved additional measures to fight terrorism, and the government will discuss today the denial of identity and residency cards from families of terrorists who support terrorism. At the same time, we are expanding and speeding up the licensing of weapons to thousands of authorized citizens. More licensed Israelis with weapons = faster response to terrorists

1. The home of the terrorist who carried out the terrorist attack in Jerusalem will be immediately sealed in preparation for its demolition.

2. Denial of rights in the National Insurance and other benefits for families of terrorists who support terrorism > >

3. Denial of identity cards for families of terrorists who support terrorism - the law will be discussed tomorrow at the cabinet meeting.

4. Adding thousands of gun-carrying citizens through speeding up and expanding the licensing of firearms.

5. In response to the heinous attacks and the joyous celebrations that followed them, Prime Minister Netanyahu decided on measures to strengthen settlements that will be introduced this week >

6. Reinforcement of police and military forces, arrests on a large scale and targeted operations to collect illegal weapons.

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