
Born-Alive Protection Acts allows infants who survived abortion receive medical care


Born-Alive Protection Acts allows infants who survived abortion receive medical care

The House passed the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act, which says any infant born alive after an attempted abortion is a "legal person for all purposes under the laws of the United States." Doctors would be required to care for those infants as a "reasonably diligent and conscientious health care practitioner would render to any other child born alive." Fox News reports.

Following that level of care, doctors would be required admit those infants to a hospital for further care. Any violation of this standard would result in fines and imprisonment for up to five years, or both.

Some Democrats said the bill is unnecessary because it is already illegal to kill newborn infants, but Republicans accused Democrats of opposing the legislation to further their radical agenda of abortion on demand.

"Taking the life of unborn children right up to their birthday, and then as Gov. Northam has pointed out, even after that," Jordan said. "We want to make sure that ‘even after that’ part never happens."

"I find it absurd, I find it unconscionable that this would be a matter of discussion on this body, that we would not render medical aid to the most innocent amongst us, an unborn child that is born alive after the most traumatic circumstances possible," said. Rep. Derrick Van Orden, R-Wis.

"This is not about a woman’s access to abortion," he said. "This is about the sanctity of life and the basic dignity of a human child."

News originally appeared on Foxs

Photo source: GettyImages

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