
Christian governor-elect plans to promote God's work to bring attract tourists


Christian governor-elect  plans to promote God's work to bring attract tourists

Sarah Huckabee Sanders self-describes as a "Christian. Wife. Mom. Arkansan. Fmr White House Press Secretary. Governor-elect of Arkansas" in her social media profile.

Her agenda exemplifies how to serve God through an elected office, or appointment. Sarah Huckabee Sanders self-describes as a "Christian. Wife. Mom. Arkansan. Fmr White House Press Secretary. Governor-elect of Arkansas".

Her election as the first woman Governor of Arkansas was a miracle. To deliver on her campaign promises, she would be required to bring creative improvements to her State economically, morally, and in other measurable ways. Sarah has identified a major opportunity and growth area for Arkansas and has given a clue about how her administration will promote and position Arkansas as a tourist destination.

"It’s opening day of duck season, and Arkansas is proud to be the duck hunting capital of the world! Our state offers unparalleled natural beauty and outdoor adventure — and as governor I will be our chief salesperson, sharing our story with the rest of the nation and world" - Sarah Huckabee Sander Twitter

Sarah promises deliverance to Arkansas. "Freedom is alive and well in the great state of Arkansas! Join my administration and be part of historic, transformational change to make our state the best to live, work, and raise a family-> govelect.arkansas.gov" - Sarah Huckabee Sander Twitter

Sarah's story teaches that faith is inseparable from our life's calling and that government service is one of the channels of ministering deliverance to people, communities and nations.

Photo credit. Huckabee Facebook

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