On Tuesday afternoon, about 1,500 Christians from over 30 nations paraded through the streets of Jerusalem, expressing their love for Israel’s eternal capital in the March of Nations.
The March of Nations has been taking place since 2007 as an initiative of Jobst and Charlotte Bittner, head of TOS Ministries in Tübingen, Germany. Marches have been held in 20 nations and in more than 400 cities in cooperation with Christians from different churches and denominations, with many of the participants being the descendants of perpetrators of the Holocaust. In addition, many Jewish communities have joined the marches over the years.
“Their family stories serve as a reminder to future generations to never again be silent in the face of antisemitism,” Bittner said at the event.
After the parade, Bittner addressed the gathering at its culmination in Safra Square.
“As Israel celebrates its 75th anniversary, the Jewish state is in the midst of one of its greatest domestic crises since the founding of the state in 1948. Almost daily, Israel faces terrorist attacks and a growing threat to its external borders. Antisemitism and hatred of Jews has increased dramatically in most countries.
“The call to prayer and intercession for Israel is more relevant now than it has been for a long time,” Bittner said, invoking a verse from Psalms.
“Pray for the peace of Jerusalem! May those who love you prosper!” (Psalm 122:6)
“Several thousand participants from 26 nations have united behind this cry at the March of the Nations in Jerusalem, proclaiming, ‘Israel, we stand with you! Israel, you are not alone!’.”
Source; Israeli365news
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